Life in space. for many years human beings have asked them selves are we alone. Well now we might not be alone because we found water on the moon. Which means microscopic life may exist.
The frozen water or ice was found at the poles of the moon. This discovery is said to be the holy grail for all lunar scientists. The team that discovered this giant step for man kind was the M3 team. Just think if you were apart of discovering water on the moon I would feel like the smartest guy in the world.What would you think of your self.
The abundance of the water is not sure yet but they estimate 1,000 water molecules parts per million in the poles of the lunar soil. So that means if you harvest one ton of the moons surface you could get 32 ounces of water. Amazing isn't it cause I think it is.
Now that scientists know that there is water underneath the moon's surface they decided to shoot 2 probes into space and they did find frozen water under the surface.
Personally I think that is just wrong. I mean defacing the moon to find more water big deal it's frozen and they think they will find life but it is microscopic and they are probably dead to. It is just a waist of are tax payers dollars. Don't get me wrong though I am excited if they find life but they are just single cell organisms it would be a greater dicovery if they were more developed.
I garentee that a lot of will argue with me but I think they will agree with me and my opinion. If you seen alein movies with death lasers and three heads that are giant killing machines. But we have to go to facts or else they aretiny and can only be seen on microscopes and they are probably not intelligent life forms.
Finding water on the moon can be very helpful we may even see a small space staion on the moon in the distant future. We may even be able melt the ice would it not be amazing if we had a lake on the moon maybe more life can form. that is a maybe because they might need oxygen but most likly it will be microscopic. But like I said before it can be a great leap for us but do think spending billions and billions of dollars is worth it, esppecially because US's economy isn't good.
So my question I'm asking you was if it was worth it?
Hey! Just gotta say that this is an interesting topic, but some of what you're saying doesn't make much sense. And you might want to revise your question and the end and check your spelling.