Monday, November 30, 2009
Rwanda Genocide
I think the people that started the Rwanda Genocide were the Interhamwe. They were the ones who actually killed the people and their argument was that they would get killed which is not even true I mean the amount of people that were in that group could have easily protected themselves. I think the main reason was to get their neighbors land which I think is just wrong.
Another thing that ticked me off about it was that the US and the UN barely did anything. The US's argument to it was that they were embarrassed or didn't know what was going on in Rwanda. I thought to my self that they would rather be embarrassed then helping people that were getting slaughtered don't you think that is just wrong.
And Beligum why did you guys come out with ID's to seperate Hutus from Tusis what did that really accomplish. Then you only let the Tutsis have power you guys are not that smart. That gave Tusis able to dicriminate them. Then you dicide to change the goverment to a democracy and after years of being treated like trash what do you think the Hutus will do.
Now the UN had plans but the thing about plans is that you usually carry out the plans which they did not well at all. They put in troops but when just 7 troops died they pulled them all out when they easily could have handled guys with machetes.
Looking back on the whole expreince made me realize what global ed is really all about that it is about at the worlds problems and trying to figure are own way to fix them. But being in like a model UN kind of thing debating on what should happen like what we did was amazing.
So to recap I think it is the Interhamwe, UN, US, and Beligum. I mean sure Juvenille told people to do it but we as humans can say no he didn't hypnotize them he spoke his mind which every person has a right to do.
And that is my opinoin on this expreince.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The American Ssssuuuppppeeeerrrrrr Scholar!!!!!!!!!
One reason his thoughts hold true today is because we as human beings have one specific thing we want to excel at. I personally want to have a science career specifically a doctor. But you can't just think of your self as being a doctor or a farmer. You have to be more then one thing you can't be a fist but you must be the fingers also.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
History of Soccer

It was also played during the first Olympic Games. It had teams of 27 on each side. About 2/3's of the men had to be hospitalized. An you probably thought that it originated from England. England originally thought it was evil and the devils work. But that didn't stop the English from playing it. The punishments for playing soccer were being sent to prison for many years.
After Queen Elizabeth's death soccer became legal. An they then started to form leagues. Eton College started to make the first rules for soccer. Personally I had know idea about any of this and I don't think any other soccer player does. Can you believe how soccer evoled to what it is today.
That is just one of the sources though.
Another source says that the chinese created a game called Cuju which was created in chinese military. The goal was to kick a leather ball into a cloth hole. Which was around the 2nd century B.C. As the years went by other asians countries began to pick up on this sport.
It was also began to be played in amongst greeks. it was a combination of soccer and rugby. The mesoamerican civilization also picked up on soccer. But instead there were to hoops on a wall and they tried to kick a rubber ball into the holes.
During the middle ages the evolution of soccer was utter chaos and brutallity. In france they tried to put the ball in the goal no matter what means. Sometimes the players even got killed.
Since of the sports violence the English banned the sport. But it did not stop the public. Even the police officers layed off inforcement of the sport because of the amusement. As the years went by they public started to make rules and coaches teams and refree's.
The first source was not as specific. It showed only about chinese and english but not about other nations and cultures. I have to say all of the second sources information told you the whole history of soccer and how it originated unlike the first source.
Thats is my blog on the history of soccer.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Water in SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life in space. for many years human beings have asked them selves are we alone. Well now we might not be alone because we found water on the moon. Which means microscopic life may exist.
The frozen water or ice was found at the poles of the moon. This discovery is said to be the holy grail for all lunar scientists. The team that discovered this giant step for man kind was the M3 team. Just think if you were apart of discovering water on the moon I would feel like the smartest guy in the world.What would you think of your self.
The abundance of the water is not sure yet but they estimate 1,000 water molecules parts per million in the poles of the lunar soil. So that means if you harvest one ton of the moons surface you could get 32 ounces of water. Amazing isn't it cause I think it is.
Now that scientists know that there is water underneath the moon's surface they decided to shoot 2 probes into space and they did find frozen water under the surface.
Personally I think that is just wrong. I mean defacing the moon to find more water big deal it's frozen and they think they will find life but it is microscopic and they are probably dead to. It is just a waist of are tax payers dollars. Don't get me wrong though I am excited if they find life but they are just single cell organisms it would be a greater dicovery if they were more developed.
I garentee that a lot of will argue with me but I think they will agree with me and my opinion. If you seen alein movies with death lasers and three heads that are giant killing machines. But we have to go to facts or else they aretiny and can only be seen on microscopes and they are probably not intelligent life forms.
Finding water on the moon can be very helpful we may even see a small space staion on the moon in the distant future. We may even be able melt the ice would it not be amazing if we had a lake on the moon maybe more life can form. that is a maybe because they might need oxygen but most likly it will be microscopic. But like I said before it can be a great leap for us but do think spending billions and billions of dollars is worth it, esppecially because US's economy isn't good.
So my question I'm asking you was if it was worth it?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Frist Day of School
By: Brian Smith Hr.6 9-10-09
Beep! Beep! Beep! “Uh!” I grunt all dazed and confused stumbling out of my bed. I knew what today was it was the first day of and I was pretty excited. So I took my shower got dressed and went to eat breakfast. I was pretty disappointed about my breakfast though. It was the sludgy pale tasteless solid or liquid oatmeal and I really wasn’t that happy. So as me and my brother went to get to our bus stop I realized it was 5 blocks away. So far it hasn’t been the best first day.
Ring! Ring! Ring! Man I had of those sounds. As I walk into Stevenson High School I scouted for my friends. Then I realized how awful the hallways were. As I try to walk I keep getting bumped by other students. It felt like being a ball in a pin ball machine as I stumble across the floor. Then I see one of my friends. “Hey ready for the new year!” I say in an excited tone
“Yep I’m all set are you?” He asks.
“Yeah it’s too bad we don’t have any of classes, good luck at game tonight hope you guys win.” I say hopefully.
“Alright see you later.” He says as he walks away. Well my day is getting better I think as I head into my first hour.
Through out the day I noticed that I have some good teachers. One of them gets really excited about almost everything. Another talks about her family a bunch. Another teacher is really kind. One of them is a really good role model. The others are a really great and I pretty sure that this year is going to be a really good high school experience. But the bad news is that I got homework today. I also almost missed my bus the first day which I can’t believe!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Alphabet and Me
B.I am a brother to 3 people. I have 2 younger twin sisters and 1 older brother. I really get annoyed by my siblings but they are family and you have to love them no matter what.
C.I have one cat named Cacy she is 2 years old we got her from the human society she is a very pleasant and nice cat. Are other cat died when I was in sixth grade my family was pretty sad.
D.Daring. I do things that I’m really not supposed to do I also take a lot of chances. My dad is someone I really do look up to him he taught me about my families morals and values.
E.Evening. I like night time it really gets me excited and I feel so alive. On the other hand I occasionally get very tired and go to bed early if I had a long day but not every time.
F.Funny. I really try to be funny sometimes I really want the atmosphere to be happy. I try to make people laugh if they are down. FIFA world cup is something my whole family watches since we all have played soccer.
G.I believe in God. The one and truly things I absolutely believe in. He is what my family is based on and so is my culture. I have learned many things about God and I’m glad I have.
H.Happiness. Happiness is something I need to get me through the day and I feel that anyone especially me I couldn’t live without it.
I.My parents said that since I was born I was always independent. I always say I can do something without anyone’s help because if I keep trying then I will do anything I can set my mind to.
J.Jokes. I really like to make jokes it really gets people into a good mood. An I like to look for new jokes that other will like and can learn.
K.My mom says I am the most kind in our house. I really like to look for things that people will really appreciate. Sometimes they even give me something in return even though I don’t ask.
L.I am very loving. I really love my family and I wouldn’t want another one even if I get made at them I still love them.
M.I really like money. But I wouldn’t call my self greedy. Money lets me get what I want and I don’t save it as much unless it is something I really, really want but other than that I spend my money right away.
N.No was my first word and it is my favorite word I always say it. Even if the answer is yes I just like the sound of the word.
O.Offspring is one of my favorite bands. My favorite song from that group is “You’re Gonna Go Far Kid”. I really like their beat and what they write about for their songs their just an amazing band.
P.I am persistent. I never am going to give up even when people say I can’t do something. All I have to do is set my mind to it and I can achieve it. I will always keep on trying.
Q.I am quiet a lot of the time. Especially at school I mean I don’t really have that much to talk about unless I know what the conversation is about.
R.I am very respectful to my elders. I don’t like to really question them at all because it is against my morals and values. You heard you must always respect your elders well that is what I try to do.
S.Soccer is my favorite sport its one of the most important things of my life. But my height gives me a disadvantage so I try to work on my foot skills shot and speed. That’s why I love it because you don’t have to be very tall but it does help out especially headers.
T.I am tiny. Yeah I am not the tallest kid in school. I haven’t been my whole life and I have been made fun but I am used to it now and it doesn’t effect me like it used to when I was little.
U.I am understanding. I understand what people need if they are going through hard times they need comforting. But I really understand people.
V.Volume. When I am around people I know and im in a situation I’m good with and I have to say that I am annoying at times because of my volume but that’s just the way I am.
W.Winning. I really like to win weather it is a video game sports or a board game I really can’t handle losing. Winning is really something that matters to me.
X.I have been x-rayed before. I fractured my elbow when I was in kindergarten and they put a lead jacket on me.
Y.I am very youthful. I just have so much youth in me I am constantly active and I just can’t stand still it is just so hard. I don’t want to lose my youth at all it keeps me alive.
Z.The Zoo gives people childish feelings like a little boy in a candy shop it really gives people back some of their youth and memories.
Friday, September 18, 2009
My Days at High School
I memorized all of my classes and my combination on the first day of school. The second day I began making my routes to class so I wouldn't be late. Having the books has been a hassle because I have a lot of books. I carried all my books to my classes one day and it strained my arm.
I'd say one of the worst things is the hallways. They are hectic you always run into someone maybe 2 time during passing time. It's been a lot worse for me because I'm not the tallest kid around and get pushed around a lot. You can see a lot of colorful people in the hallways also. Like some Gothic kids that wear a lot of black and they scare me sometimes (I'm not trying to offend anyone I'm sorry if I do) or the sport jocks always representing there team.
Yeah so high school has had its ups and downs especially homework. This is probably the worst thing in school yeah it's suppose to help us I've heard it a thousand times but i just don't like it. I've had so much homework in the first weeks it was the worst its more than i had in a month at middle school.
Yeah my experinces are still going on like my first math class i got 100% i was really happy probably my worst grade is in Global Ed. english I really need to step up my grade. My other classes i have all A's it feels amazing.
Well if anyone besides my teacher reads this im blogging again next friday so look for me.