Friday, April 30, 2010

SIMUN experience

SIMUN was a great experience for me. The group I was in was fun I could talk to everyone so easily. I always loved debating with people but you had to be so formal. Like the dressing up I didn’t like, but it really put me in the mood. SIMUN was a long process it took us almost two days to finish a scenario. And we sped through the other two but we didn’t have enough time to finish the last scenario on the Ukraine election controversy. I had some good caucuses with other countries which helped me in the debate.

When SIMUN started I was a little shy and I only talked to people I knew which was not the best way to go because other people had much, much better information then the people I knew. So I started to come out of my comfort zone. By talking to different people I felt more comfortable and I could easily speak up. Like in my third scenario about Japanese pirates attacking British ships. In my speech I said “All countries physically involved should come together to capture the pirates bring them to a fair trial and to find and punish the coconspirator.” This was one of my best speeches in my SIMUN experience. And I was able to answer all of the questions that followed.

My preparation was not the best. I waited till last minute to type my papers which was the worst I could have done besides not turning them in. I also waited till the last minute to get my information on the scenarios which was also very bad. But during SIMUN I actually wrote out the speeches I was going to say. I also tried to write a resolution rough draft but I noticed there were too many holes in it. So my preparation was not that good.

Next Year though I will do so much better at preparing. I will look up my information sooner and write my papers sooner so I can fix my mistakes if I need to hopefully I won’t. I will also bring my information to the SIMUN debate because I was lacking a lot of information. I also have to prepare to talk more speak up on what I want to say on the issues rather than just listening the whole time. But over all I really liked SIMUN and I look forward to it next year.

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