Friday, May 28, 2010
Silly Bandz
Friday, April 30, 2010
SIMUN experience
SIMUN was a great experience for me. The group I was in was fun I could talk to everyone so easily. I always loved debating with people but you had to be so formal. Like the dressing up I didn’t like, but it really put me in the mood. SIMUN was a long process it took us almost two days to finish a scenario. And we sped through the other two but we didn’t have enough time to finish the last scenario on the Ukraine election controversy. I had some good caucuses with other countries which helped me in the debate.
When SIMUN started I was a little shy and I only talked to people I knew which was not the best way to go because other people had much, much better information then the people I knew. So I started to come out of my comfort zone. By talking to different people I felt more comfortable and I could easily speak up. Like in my third scenario about Japanese pirates attacking British ships. In my speech I said “All countries physically involved should come together to capture the pirates bring them to a fair trial and to find and punish the coconspirator.” This was one of my best speeches in my SIMUN experience. And I was able to answer all of the questions that followed.
My preparation was not the best. I waited till last minute to type my papers which was the worst I could have done besides not turning them in. I also waited till the last minute to get my information on the scenarios which was also very bad. But during SIMUN I actually wrote out the speeches I was going to say. I also tried to write a resolution rough draft but I noticed there were too many holes in it. So my preparation was not that good.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Big Bird

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Currency and China

One reason why the currency of china will lead them to global power is the amount that the currency cost. As it said in a NY times article called " China Rejects U.S. Complaints on Its Currency" that since the currency of china is so low that it lets them export a larger amount to other countries around the world. Personally to me that is a smart business plan because the less it is the more people can buy. Restaurants also so do this by lowering the prices of good food so people can buy more of it but then they usually just raise it up.
Friday, January 22, 2010
5 things I liked this year
I think that looking at other civilizations past is great it is so interesting that is why I liked learning about the Rwandan genocide. It was very sad hearing of the treachery and violence that was going on and barely anybody even helped during this monstrosity. I’ll give you a brief overview Belgium took Rwanda after World War 2 from the Germans they took the countries resources and basically put a race called the Tutsis into power. After Belgium left they gave everyone ID cards to show if they are Tutsi or Hutu which was an awful idea. So the Tutsis basically discriminated the Hutus and then when the Hutus won the office for government they started to discriminate the Tutsis. Then the government started to get younger kids to join a group called the Interahamwe. Which started to kill all the Tutsis and most of the world just sat and watched!
Apostrophes were something that I really didn’t think about I thought it was just to show ownership of something or shorten words but if you get it wrong then you could end up messing up a writing. And grammar isn’t my strongest thing I learned what to do if you were writing “the Jones’s own the black car”. I would probably just leave it Jones.
When we listened to the story the Squirrel Cop I thought it was hilarious. A man called the police saying that there was something moving around in the attic. The police men went to look inside he saw a squirrel that looked like it was as tall as Godzilla. Then the squirrel jumped down went downstairs went in the fire under the couch and it went up like someone poured gasoline on it. The point of the story was to zoom into greater detail in our writing and if you read it you would think your actually there.
I think that writing was not that important just tell a story of what happened. But understanding it by just telling isn't as interesting or exciting. that is why you have to really talk about what everything is happening and how and what is happening with detailed characteristics.
In the history of south africa has been bumpy and power has change a lot. it has been controlled by a dutch company and then the dutch came to colonize. then they found diamonds and gold and that got the interest of the british to invest in troops to take over the area. then the Boer war started and the British won. And then they told the mining companies they couldn't have slaves so the Afrikaners worked with the british to create apartheid something that stops the black natives from being intelligent enough. And that is basically what has happened in the beging years.
My computer would not let me post it so i went after school to do that I am very sorry.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Christmas Vaction

So it was the second day after school got out and me and my brother decided to do some thing we do every year which is SNOW SOCCER! It is one of the best things about break. The ball is so hard to control and you can tackle people it might sound stupid talking about it but it is more fun playing it. We got a ton of people they were from my brothers team and also Stevenson varsity soccer players. So we played for about seven hours straight. When we got done we were soaking wet and super cold but once we changed into warm clothes and had hot chocolate it felt a lot better.
So on Christmas eve all of my family went to my grandpas house. We played ping pong pool and a lot of pool. So we always have an amazing home cooked meal and mostly based on what polish people eat like broche. Most people does not even know what that is do you. It is a creamy soup that you usually eat with mashed potatoes. Are dinner was very filling and after we ate home made Christmas cookies. So we then exchanged Christmas gifts I was pretty depressed on what I got which was a alarm clock that I had to put together my house which was really disappointing.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Rwanda Genocide
I think the people that started the Rwanda Genocide were the Interhamwe. They were the ones who actually killed the people and their argument was that they would get killed which is not even true I mean the amount of people that were in that group could have easily protected themselves. I think the main reason was to get their neighbors land which I think is just wrong.
Another thing that ticked me off about it was that the US and the UN barely did anything. The US's argument to it was that they were embarrassed or didn't know what was going on in Rwanda. I thought to my self that they would rather be embarrassed then helping people that were getting slaughtered don't you think that is just wrong.
And Beligum why did you guys come out with ID's to seperate Hutus from Tusis what did that really accomplish. Then you only let the Tutsis have power you guys are not that smart. That gave Tusis able to dicriminate them. Then you dicide to change the goverment to a democracy and after years of being treated like trash what do you think the Hutus will do.
Now the UN had plans but the thing about plans is that you usually carry out the plans which they did not well at all. They put in troops but when just 7 troops died they pulled them all out when they easily could have handled guys with machetes.
Looking back on the whole expreince made me realize what global ed is really all about that it is about at the worlds problems and trying to figure are own way to fix them. But being in like a model UN kind of thing debating on what should happen like what we did was amazing.
So to recap I think it is the Interhamwe, UN, US, and Beligum. I mean sure Juvenille told people to do it but we as humans can say no he didn't hypnotize them he spoke his mind which every person has a right to do.
And that is my opinoin on this expreince.